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My Journey to the UK

I was born in Afghanistan and moved to the UK as a refugee when I was 15 years old. I faced a lot of challenges and obstacles because of cultural differences and religion. I was also unable to read or speak English as girls were not allowed to go to school.

Furthermore, I faced difficulties from weaving carpets to learning English in year 11 and practicing accounting and finance. I had no computer skills, I could not understand a word the teacher was saying and I could not even write my name. However, nothing could stop me from studying in the UK hence, after year 11 I decided to go to college to continue my education where I completed a business management level 3. Considering career options, I went to ARU to study accounting and finance where I accomplished my degree.

I am working with PARCA, supporting Afghan families settling down in Peterborough as I don’t want them to go through the same difficulties I went through.

I would persuade and motivate all women especially Afghan women that it is never too late and nothing could stop you from studying thus, have self-confidence, believe in yourself, and work towards your dream eventually you will achieve your goal.

Rubaba Hussani

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