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Наша команда

Познакомьтесь с нашей командой, которая стремится помочь и поддержать вас! 

Каждый участник специализируется в разных областях, чтобы мы могли предоставить вам услуги самого высокого качества!

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Moez Nathu BEM
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I am the first Chairman and Co-founder of the PARCA organisation since 2002. Despite not having a strong understanding of the English language, I embarked on a mission to assist and support individuals who were dealing with the challenges of adapting to a new life in the UK. Through determination and self-motivation, I dedicated myself to learning English while at the same time helping people overcome the day-to-day difficulties they encountered.
Over time, my commitment and efforts led me to the position of CEO within the organisation. In this capacity, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of the specific local and on-the-ground needs of people facing challenges, especially those who confront language barriers when trying to integrate into a new city.
My experience is not derived from mere theory but from the real-life challenges I encountered upon my arrival in the UK in 1997 from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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IT Support 

Pavels Remigolskis 
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It's easier to get any job done when you have right tools. Ensuring that every PARCA team member has IT equipment and knowledge they need, helps PARCA to achieve more'


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ESOL Manager 

Lina Truksanovaite
Lina new.jpg

For several years now, I have taught learners from many different cultures at Pre-Entry and Entry Level 1. It is an honour to be able to support them on their English language journey and gives me a profound sense of satisfaction to see how they progress.'​​​​​​​

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Engagement Officer

Zahra Sarfraz


Члены правления 

Познакомьтесь с членами нашего правления, которые из мечты превратили PARCA в реальность!


Член правления 

Джамиля Мохаммед Абду


Член правления 

Кумби Мубанге 



Нондо Джон Касенса


Член правления 

Хадиджа Али Хусейн

Наши волонтеры

Познакомьтесь с нашими волонтерами (бывшими и настоящими), которые всегда готовы поддержать вас!

Мы очень благодарны нашим волонтерам за всю тяжелую работу. 

Таня Гонсалвес
Филипп Палмер
Сюзетт Синди Сьёнарин
Сухад Эльмарсуми
Сара Блэкмор
Бриджит Гинти
Астрид Лутонадио 
Ола Эльсаббах
Дебби Уайлдфорд
Ben Fateh.jpg
Фатех Бен 
Laura Moore.jpg
Лаура Мур
Кэтрин Тиллинг
Hannah Bull.jpg
Ханна Булл
Уссема Рахмени 
Райхана М Хуссейн
Julia Gaze
Cheryl Bull_edited.jpg
Cheryl Bull
Paul Iwala.jpg
Paul Iwala
Olga Knight .jpg
Olga Knight
Рудольф Похлодько
Martyna Wykrota.jpg
Martyna Wykrota
Alwyn Bull
Alwyn Bull
Nawab khan Imran.jpg
Nawab Khan Imran
Lesley Astle.jpg
Lesley Astle
Yasemin Ozcelik.jpg
Yasemin Ozcelik
Mareks Vilcans
Mareks Vilcans 
John .png
John Comer
Zakia Erfani.jpg
Zakia Erfani
Sarmed .jpg
Sarmed Chaudhry
Mahsa Madouei.jpg
Mahsa Madouei 
Avan Mahmood.jpg
Avan Mahmood
Sandra Helen Sutton.jpg
Sandra McAll
Karen Kirk.jpg
Karen Kirk
Nicholas Paul Fahidy.jpg
Nicholas Paul Fahidy
Uno Masango.jpg
Uno Masango

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*We encourage everyone to navigate through our website in English as translation is not 100% accurate. If you do require translation please head over to Google Translator*
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